Mel Campbell
Mel's love for Yoga came from a desire for a spiritual as well as physical practice coming from a background of institutionalised dance training but missing a deeper connection to life. She found a strong connection to the Shamanic roots of Yoga from training, living and teaching in Costa Rica, particularly in understanding ourselves as deeply connected to nature and practicing to explore the relationship between the energetic, mental and physical human body to guide us towards living to our full potential. Her practice and teachings developed to be an offering with great reverence and gratitude to the force of unconditional love that is know as Source/God/Goddess/Mother Nature and many other names. Whilst offering a broad range of Yoga styles within schools, hospitals and community centres she has always been fascinated with Therapeutic Yoga. A great joy of Mel’s is sharing Yoga with children with Autism and ADHD and seeing first hand the incredible effects Yoga has on soothing the nervous system, organising the vestibular, proprioceptive, sensory processing and kinaesthetic systems, developing inter-hemispheric communication of the brain plus so many more physical and mental benefits!
Her offerings will include group classes of Self Awakening Yoga Therapeutics (a non weight bearing, floor based meditative movement focusing on breath and gently releasing stagnant energy in the connective tissues, particularly in the pelvis and lower back, psoas muscle and shoulders) and One-to-one accessible Yoga for children with Autism and ADHD.